Dear Contractors:


Re:  Outsourcing for your OQ Administrative Duties
Operator Qualification & Certification Center, L.P, ( OQCC), can be your “One Call System” for all your OQ needs. 
Listed below is how we can help you keep ahead and stay up-to-date on all operator qualifications for DOT.  We are an Accredited Sponsor for the National Center for Construction and Education Research, (NCCER), which allows us to administer assessments and performance verifications.
OQCC offers:
1.  NCCER Written Assessments – Targets the covered tasks that your operators are performing and gives an immediate training transcript.  The transcript shows the covered tasks that the participant passed as well as targeting the deficiencies for task training.
2.  NCCER Performance Verifications – Hands on assessments that are needed for some companies that require both written and performance verifications. 
3.  OQ Administration – OQCC has the ability to facilitate ALL your DOT Compliance Record Keeping.  Every time one of your employees takes a written assessment or performance verification, the OQ reports have to be updated and resubmitted.  Also, if the Operator has updates or changes you have to resubmit OQ Reports.  This is not done automatically and can become time consuming.  In an effort to help our Valued Clients stay up-to-date and not have to hire someone to take on these responsibilities we have structured our services to be able to take care of all your OQ needs. There is a minimal setup fee and annual maintenance fee.  You must have an ISNetworld Subscription for us submit your OQ reports electronically.
                OQCC will:            
                                      a.        Verify and correct your employees information
                                      b.       Assign OQ Task information from assessments
                                      c.        Assign Employees to specific pipeline jobsites
                                      d.       Submit your OQ reports to the Pipeline Operators
                                      e.        Track training deficiencies of employees
                                      f.         Update an Employee Qualified Task List
                                      g.       Send reminders when OQ Certifications are going to expire


If you are interested in SIMPLIFYING YOUR OQ NEEDS, use OQCC’s One Call System!  Send us an email at or give us a call at 979/345-2378, we will be happy to answer all your questions.

 Thank you,